Natasha Chawla
Natasha was assigned the story Maybe There Is Some More Hope.
This was a powerful title and one that gave much room for thought. The red background represents the statement the storyteller made that global warming and climate change have not stopped - our earth is essentially on fire. However, the red very slowly lightens into white symbolising that with conscious action and re-education each of us individually can change our behaviours and, in doing so, change the fate of future generations.
The central part of the piece can be seen in two ways; as hope in the earth and its inhabitants and also as a virus molecule that has caused us to go inside and reflect upon our lives and the world at large.
Covid-19 has brought with it many lessons; firstly, it acted as a reflective mirror of the sub humanisation of parts of the community, it also highlighted the disconnected way in which we treat the planet, but perhaps more importantly, it has taught us about community. It has shown us that in the worst situations, people care.
This whole idea stands on the principle of unity and community that the storyteller suggests has the potential as a future strategy to change how people interact and live together. 'Unity and community' is spelt out in buildings representing the unity in the Oxford community. The plant pot, which spells out the 'and' in flowers, represents the mother's note about it being the anniversary of her son's death and not being able to visit the graveyard during lockdown and instead the wish to create a balcony memorial garden. This was important as the consequent acts of kindness that came from the storytelling sharing that small note, which led to so many different members of the community to give articles in the memory of a little boy, cemented the final thought of the story; 'maybe there is some more hope'.
Natasha Chawla | Instagram